Saturday, June 18, 2011

Making life Happen... the prelude (June 18,2011)

  • Let me start this off by telling you where I stand in life right now. There has always been a part of me that has wanted to move out of state like my two sisters (Gentri and BreAnn), but of course, I had obligations that seemed important enough to keep me home in Utah. I was attending school, had a job, was scared of leaving my friends, in a relationship, and couldn't fathom being away from my family there. Well in the past 6 months a lot of changes took place including the following; I had graduated and successfully earned my Master Aesthetics certification, my relationship status had changed which then impacted relationships with many of my friends and me, my sister (Bre) got engaged, I was not having much luck with the job search, my mom (JoDee) had graduated with her Masters in Social Work, she had met someone that lives in Oregon and now plans to move there, My dad (Jeff) has met someone who lives in Idaho so who knows what will happen there, and my dads house that had been on the market for a few years had finally sold. It seemed as if life as I knew it was falling apart and I wanted to get out. I had written a post on facebook, just kind of in a rhetorical sense, "would love to go out of state for a while". My brother in law (Tyler=Gens husband) commented on my status telling me to "come to KANSAS!" I kept re-reading the comments I had received on that post. Finally I only had one question to ask myself..." Why don't I?" I had nothin... haha. Literally the next day I called my sister and bro to ask them if I could live with them for a while, then  I told my dad that I wanted to try it out. My mom I told when I had it all planned out. Both of my parents agreed with everything I had to say and were great support. About a month later I said my goodbyes (not easy) and took off in my altima with my best friend Danielle, my dog, a suitcase for each of us, and a cooler. 
  • You see, when you only really know the two people you live with and their family, you find a lot of  "me time".  I was very busy changing addresses, insurance (that was a task), and many other moving errands. When I was not doing this, I was working out, running with my dog, dancing, playing video games, watching tv, playing around with Calligraphy, and writing. I would also attend things my family here would invite me to do. I have already learned so much through the opportunities offered here that I wouldnt not have even considered if I were back home.  My sister had asked me if I would like a job at a daycare.Without even really thinking I said yes, and before I knew it I was applying, interviewing, and  had a job at this daycare as a preschool teacher. Let me just tell you that I have never worked with kids a day in my life haha. I learn something new everyday at work about building relationships, and handling kids. It is a tough job but I most definitely think it is a fun, new adventure that is only making me a better individual.

  • A while back when I was having a blue day, I looked up "things to do when your sad" on the internet haha. Silly, maybe, but what the heck haha. I found a giant list of random, obscure things to do to help lift your mood that really caught my interest! I Would like to go through this list, take ideas from friends or anyone that has ideas, along with my own to create a list for myself . I figure this will be good to keep me occupied, trying new things, open minded and optimistic. As I do these things I am going to blog about it! If you have any ideas of your own please do tell! Other than that ha, wish me luck and enjoy!

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